Remember when you used to gag at the words “brussel sprouts” (or maybe you still do)?
I really don’t know why brussel sprouts got such a bad rap... I mean, they're like cute, baby cabbages, and they taste amazing when paired with simple flavors, particularly garlic and/or bacon.
Well, ok, they do smell kinda funny.
But still... they're fun and flavorful and when cooked like this... you can almost forget they're a vegetable. ;)
Prep: 20 mins
Bake: 45-50 mins
- brussel sprouts, 2-3 lbs
- bacon, 1 package - uncured, free of nitrates, phosphates, sulfites, sugars, etc
- bacon fat, 6-8 tbsp - use what you render from cooking the bacon (or another fat, but you'll want to make sure it's safe for high-heat cooking)
- garlic, minced, 1 tbsp
- lemon juice, 2 tbsp
- salt and pepper, to taste
(in order of use)
- oven, preheated to 450
- stove top fry pan (cast iron is the bestest!)
- chef's knife
- cutting board
- fork or tongs
- 2 glass baking pans, 9x13
- (paper) towel-lined plate
- tbsp
- spatula or stirring utensil
- foil or oven-safe baking cover
- Pre-heat oven to 450.
- Start frying bacon.
- In meantime, chop brussels in halves or thirds and toss into glass baking pans, dividing evenly.
- When bacon crisps up, place strips on towel-lined plate and set in freezer.
- Spread liquid (bacon) fat, minced garlic, and salt evenly over sprouts. Stir to coat well.
- Cover pans foil/lid and bake in oven for 30 minutes.
- Remove pans from oven and set aside foil/lid. Stir sprouts well.
- Return sprouts to oven, uncovered, to cook 15 additional minutes. Meanwhile... crumble cold bacon into small pieces and return to freezer,
- Check sprouts for done-ness -- they should be brown and soft, easily pierced by a fork.
- If you'd like sprouts extra tasty, I recommend broiling them for a few minutes, watching closely, until they are extra crispy... but not burnt! ;)
- Sprinkle sprouts with crumbled bacon.
Serve with a smile + enjoy! :)